Mindfulness at Workplace is a gentle and empathetic way to enhance focus, growth, and harmony within a person and team. There is no pre-requisite for this training and people from diverse backgrounds can practice it.
Happy or Right? | Breathe In and Out | R.I.S.E
The only way to survive and succeed in these new times - Innovation. Our sessions tap into innovative and imaginative nerves to help people go beyond their job profiles. This shifts their teams from linear thinking to an imaginative sphere.
Innovation@leadership | There is no box | Imagin
From bonding within teams to clinching big business deals, stories can help people achieve what they want. Our sessions use this age-old technique to resolve new-age scenarios.
Art & Science of Storytelling | Make conversations interesting! | Storytelling@Work
Our mindset involves our vision, communication, relationships, focus at work and behavioral elements. If we want to enhance any aspect of our people or teams, we need mindset awareness and shift. Mindfulness, Psychodrama and therapeutic skills are practiced during this training program.
A Perfect Cup of Tea | Be The Tree | Thriving Mindset
The world belongs to everyone – whatever be the age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin. Through our workshops, we empower people by focusing on respecting and valuing each other’s differences.
I-Me-You-He-She = Same | DEI Theater | Be Mindful
Create harmony and collaboration within people with mindful communication, assertive speaking and mindful listening. Wouldn't it be great to have reduced misunderstandings and respectful dialogue?
Intuitive Communication | Art of Listening | Stage Power
Winning teams happen when different thriving mindsets come together to respect each other's thoughts and collaborate towards one vision. This mindset-based training helps people to come out of their silos and create togetherness at every level.
We are One | We versus I | T.E.A.M
Sales are not just about selling, aggression, product knowledge and 100K emails. It is about reading, observing and being mindful of our client's needs, innovative strategies and the 80/20 rule.
That is the Target | Innovative Selling | S.A.L.E.S
When people join an organization or team, welcoming them with strength-based therapy, open arms and appreciation helps them to feel belong, included and grow.
Belonging & Inclusion | New Beginnings | W.E.L.C.O.M.E
Need to stay ahead of the peers? Innovation is the go-to solution. Our sessions tap into innovative and imaginative nerves to help head-honchos go beyond their job profiles. With an innovative approach, leaders can, in turn, shift the entire team from linear thinking routine to an imaginative sphere.
Every leader was once a child who was hooked to stories. We bring the joy of storytelling back into our work lives via storytelling-led workshops. It brings in ease and confidence while connecting with people and clinching crucial deals.
With different personalities working under one roof, conflicts and misunderstandings are bound to arise. Through our workshops, we help leaders to build trust amongst team members by communicating their concerns and lending an ear to their peers.
Be it performance or communication – there’s always a next level to it. That’s why our sessions offer a mix of creativity, confidence, expressions and observation to help leaders be better communicators. And then there’s art of listening as well.
When things get tough, the empowered get going. While leaders search for motivation outside them, our sessions help them seek it within them. We help transform the leaders to be an inspiration to their teams and people beyond it.
For leaders to be super performers, they need to keep pace with the rapidly evolving business space. That’s why our sessions help inject a sense of ownership in participants towards their profiles to deliver better. It helps the leaders grow along with their team-mates and the organisation.
Change is the happening all around us – even as you’re reading this. It is this change that puts leaders to test and helps them take the organisation forward. Our sessions inspire the leaders to bring in openness and flexibility to welcome this opportunity to change.
Retention is great for ROI. It’s important to retain valuable minds who wander off in search of greener pastures. At the sessions, we help leaders find their calling within the organisation. We motivate them to look at the brighter, bigger picture and empower them to grow in their career.
As roles at an organization evolve, so should the leaders. Our sessions dive deeper into what it takes to be a leader. We help people develop and define their role and function at work to better their interactions with team and bring in equal respect.
Many people driven towards one goal – is one of the simplest definitions of an organisation. That’s why our workshops help participants align themselves with each other and business’s goals to maximize gains. It helps organisations bring in harmony within the team mates too.
Routine is boring. But there’s a way to turn the boring into amazing. At our workshops, we help senior managers find creative ways to complete their daily tasks via theatre. Rooting for new ideas and innovations were never so much fun.
Stories often go beyond just being fables. They inspire us, educate us and create a lasting impact. That’s why, we utilise storytelling to help managers win sales pitches and clinch business deals. An old age technique simplifies a new age scenario.
In a professional world, happiness is not limited to the pay cheque. So, we craft our workshops to bring in loads of fun, laughter and celebration to the boardrooms. It not only boosts emotional quotient but also impact productivity positively.
The world belongs to everyone – whatever be the age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin. Our workshops are focused on empowering people by respecting their differences and valuing them for their unique qualities.
A sense of trust between teams can take an organisation places. Our workshops help people go beyond personal conflicts and opinions and inspire them to work as a team. It helps them see the flip side of the coin and understand others’ perspective better – creating a happier workspace.
One’s communication skills often do the talking in the corporate world. An engaging communication is a mix of speaking and also listening. Our workshops help seniors express their thoughts clearly and confidently to its team mates and also clients.
One’s communication skills often do the talking in the corporate world. An engaging communication is a mix of speaking and also listening. Our workshops help seniors express their thoughts clearly and confidently to its team mates and also clients.
Knowledge and learning is irrelevant if people don’t put into in to practice. Our exciting workshops help seniors move ahead of self-doubt and inspire them to see the world with confidence. After all, a team that’s inspired from within stays inspired always.
Self-confidence, body language and presence – are the three vital aspects of one’s personality. Our workshops help seniors create an impactful perception of their companies by working on the nuances of appearance, communication and responses.
Do it like you own it. That’s how seniors should see their tasks at work. Our workshops aim to make people feel a sense of ownership towards their teams and duties and to deliver better, together. It reduces conflicts and brings in oneness in the teams.
A business is driven by sales. And sales are fuelled by stories. Our workshops help people weave interesting stories and connect with their clients better. They turn into better listeners to respond perfectly to their clients’ needs. Result: A shooting sales graph.
People evolve and so do their roles. Our workshops help people be better seniors who are an inspiration to their subordinates. It helps them be confident in their new roles yet be humble about it – a perfect mix of a boss and a peer.
Walking the fine line between over-confidence and lack of it is an art. Our workshops help seniors raise their self-confidence to be positive contributors to their organisations. More conviction in their thoughts and actions inspires their team to follow suite.
One organisation. One goal. But is every senior may not be aligned to the same goal. That’s why we craft workshops to help people achieve their individual as well as their organisational goals. It brings harmony and a sense of togetherness within team mates.
What if one could create ‘greener pastures’ within the organisation – so that the teams do not quit the company. With our workshops, we make people realise the importance of what’s offered in the organisation which motivates them to stick around for longer.
Change is great if one is up for it. It helps people forget their past experiences and gives them new hopes of better future. Our workshops inspires people to look forward to change and most importantly, make the most of it. It pushes them out of the comfort zone and challenges them to bring out the best.
New ideas and innovations are always in vogue, if businesses have to move ahead. So, our workshops tap into innovative nerves of team members. It helps them complete routine tasks with a novel approach while having a lot of fun.
It’s time to push stories out of books and get them into board rooms. Our workshops help people freeze business deals via the fine art of storytelling. It not only makes the conversations interesting, it also leaves a great impression about the company as well.
In a world where only 13% of the employees are emotionally happy, we aim to make a difference. Our workshops are crafted to enhance the happiness quotient of people at various levels in an organisation. More happy the people, more successful the organisation.
It is vital to enjoy the differences between people and accept them for what they are. Our workshops focus on inspiring people to be who they truly are and also respect others irrelevant of their background. Together as a team, they can take their company places.
If the teams are not bound by togetherness, the company has to bear a high cost. That’s why we guide people to handle personal conflicts and opinions in a smoother way. It helps them listen to others’ perspectives and bring harmony to work environment.
Togetherness is a glue that makes people stick to each other and the company. Through our workshops we focus on strengthening the team spirit to create healthy workspaces. It helps them make permanent and practical shifts in their attitude towards work and life.
Empowerment and motivation go hand in hand to take teams to the next level. Our workshops inspire people to move from taking inspiration to being an inspiration. It also strengthens the teams to grow together.
People and their personalities can make or break an organisation. In our workshops we explain how everything from one’s outfit to verbal and non-verbal communication, impacts how companies are presented and perceived. It brings in loads of confidence and stage presence in people.
One’s sense of ownership towards a task takes the business a few notches higher. Our workshops drives oneness among team members and loyalty towards the company. It brings growth in their own career and organisation as well.
Sales is more than just chasing numbers. It is the face of the organisation’s clients. That’s why our workshops trains people to be innovative storytellers that not only bring in business but also ensure brand loyalty.
One’s job at a company is ever evolving, but not many people are ready to deal with new responsibilities. Our workshops guides people to interact with team mates effectively and inspire them towards business goals.
Confidence can take one places and how. That’s why we focus on building self-confidence in people to handle not-so-easy situations at work. Confidence helps people find effective solutions to business challenges and take the company forward.
Hardworking employees working towards different goals will reach nowhere. That’s why our workshops help teams stay aligned with each other and the business goals. It helps clear confusion and bring clarity in thoughts of teams.
While hiring new talent is good, retaining existing talent is more beneficial to organisations. That’s why our workshops are aimed to show people the big picture of the organisation and help them chart-out their career map within the organisation.
Change is what drives people to better and more fulfilling careers. Our workshops help people adapt to changing work environments smoothly and look forward to newer responsibilities with optimism. It lets them get rid of the old conditioning and welcome flexibility in life.
Communication is at the heart of all working in a company. That’s why our workshops combine creativity, confidence, expression and observation in an effective manner. Besides, intuitive communication and the art of listening makes people connect better with others.
Be it in the corporate world or otherwise, women make the world go round. They are determined to succeed even when the going gets tough. Now women have to move ahead from taking inspiration to being an inspiration.
We go with the tried, tested and trusted techniques to bring our conversations alive - from board rooms to sales pitches. We drive women in corporates to use Storytelling as a creative medium to enhance their conversation, communication and observation skills.
Happy people make happy teams. We aim to amp up their happiness quotient through our meticulously crafted workshops. Our laughter and celebration-led sessions help participants wear off their work stress and relook at their jobs with a fresh perspective.
Enjoying the myriad differences in teams is what makes working fun and exciting. Our sessions help women appreciate the aspects that makes them different and also inculcate an inclusive culture at work. After all, togetherness is what drives the organization ahead.
Skip the mundane. Bring in the new. Our sessions awaken women’s creative aspects to achieve better outcomes. Via theatre, we bring the teams out of the stagnant, linear thinking routine to open up a world of opportunities.
If there’s anything that keeps women from being their best, it is self-doubt. Our sessions motivate the teams to bring out the best in them and add value to their profiles. We ignite a deeper sense of ownership towards the organization in the women so they are more in synch with business goals.